Female Villains vs. Male Villains: A Discussion

Hey y’all!

So I had this thought while I was trying to go to sleep the other night, and wanted to see if anyone else agreed with me.

I realized that it’s the female villains that make me scream the most. Yes, I do scream at books. No shame. Don’t get me wrong, I will yell at President Snow all day long, but even he doesn’t make me half as mad as Queen Levana. And I’m pretty sure all of us hate Dolores Umbridge more than Lord Voldemort.

Why is that? Sure, there are a few books where the male villain has really made me mad (the InkHeart trilogy, for instance), but really, no one has ever made me as mad as that psycho Lunar queen, Levana. 

So I want to know your thoughts: is it the male villains or the female villains that make you angrier? Why do you think this is? Please tell me in the comments!


16 thoughts on “Female Villains vs. Male Villains: A Discussion

  1. I never really noticed it! I honestly wonder if it has to do with a societal expectation that women be well behaved, and since we expect them to be all prim and proper it’s kind of shocking when they are cruel. It’s not a perfect explanation! (Umbridge is just scary!)

      1. It can be very scary especially when the female villain is calculating and just as sinister as any male villain. I think that it honestly comes down to just that we don’t expect women to be bad and they often operate in the shadows! Think about the end of Mockingjay and who the ultimate enemy was, it’s all rooted in betrayal.

      2. Yep. And we really don’t expect women to be sinister and evil- so when they are it’s just a bit terrifying.
        And the ending to Mockingjay was masterfully done.

    1. I really think Lauren hit the nail on the head- society expects women to be sweet and prim and proper, so when they’re unafraid to do horrible things (like murder innocent people or manipulate the entire population) it’s really shocking and utterly terrifying.

  2. I really think Lauren hit the nail on the head- society expects women to be sweet and prim and proper, so when they’re unafraid to do horrible things (like murder innocent people or manipulate the entire population) it’s really shocking and utterly terrifying.

  3. I agree that female villains are way more emotion stirring for me… I wonder if it’s because we expect women with power to be benevolent and share it with her fellow females and it outrages us that instead she goes all evil on us and abuses the priledge she has that is denied the rest of womankind. ♥️ Just a thought… ( most woman villains are women in power!)

  4. Female villains. I think it’s because I know how backstabby and manipulative females can be. Most of my own bad experiences are with females and how they just seemed to up and turn on me one day. Of course, they’re not all like this, but I still fear them IRL more than men. Only makes sense I would in fiction, as well.

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